Boost Your Amazon Advertising with Historical Data: A Step-By-Guide for Seasonal Campaigns

by Brad Hunt June 3, 2024

Amazon advertising for your storefront is MOST effective when you utilize historical data. This approach maintains visibility for your evergreen products and optimizes your reach during peak seasons. Sound overwhelming? Don’t worry: here’s a structured method to use data from past campaigns to enhance performance:

Comprehensive Data Analysis

Examining key performance indicators (KPIs) such as impressions, click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS) from prior seasonal campaigns is crucial. Analyzing these metrics helps identify strategies that will bring you the most bang for your buck. 

Selection of Proven Keywords

Extract top-performing keywords from historical campaigns, Especially those run during target seasonal periods– holidays, major sales events, etc. Having demonstrated their effectiveness, make these keywords the cornerstone of your new campaign strategies.

Targeted Campaign Segmentation and Bid Optimization

Segment your campaigns according to product categories, target demographics, or specific seasonal events for targeted marketing efforts and efficient budget management.

Adjust your bids based on historical performance metrics. Elevate bids for high-performing keywords and reduce them for less effective ones to maximize return on ad spend.

Dual Campaign Approach

  • Year-Round Campaigns: Continuously run campaigns featuring general, evergreen keywords to ensure constant visibility for your staple products.
  • Seasonal Campaigns: Implement specialized campaigns focusing on seasonal keywords, such as “Mother’s Day gifts” or “holiday decorations.” This allows you to capitalize on seasonal search traffic and compare performance directly with evergreen campaigns.

Efficient Campaign Management

Pausing Campaigns: Conserve resources by pausing seasonal campaigns at the end of their relevant period.

Relaunching Campaigns: Reinstate these campaigns with targeted keywords as the season reapproaches, applying insights gained from the previous year to refine your strategies.

Documentation and Continuous Improvement

Maintain detailed records of both year-round and seasonal campaign performance. This documentation should highlight successful elements and pinpoint failures as a foundation for ongoing strategy refinement.


Leverage this guide and see how your Amazon marketplace is enhanced during peak and off-peak seasons. This method ensures sustained visibility of core products while maximizing engagement during high-demand periods. Ultimately, this strategic approach leads to your marketing dollar going farther during key-earning periods. 

Want more of this? Meet with our Disruptive Amazon experts to see if we are a good fit to help you optimize your marketing budget. 

Author: Tanner Hill- Client Service Specialist – Amazon

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Brad Hunt

Brad Hunt

Bradford has created and implemented marketing strategies for small start up businesses to large corporate enterprises. He currently serves as a Director of Amazon and works with our Marketing Consultants to come up with fun and innovative strategies that are designed to drive more revenue for our clients. When he’s not at his computer, you can usually find him fly fishing in the local Utah rivers during the Spring/Summer months, hunting with his buddies in the Fall and snowboarding during the Winter.

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