How to Utilize Amazon’s “Grow Brand Impression Share” Goal

by Brad Hunt July 29, 2024

Amazon recently introduced a goal for Sponsored Brands campaigns called “Grow brand impression share,” focusing on increasing your share of voice. But when should you choose this goal over the “Drive page visits” goal? Isn’t driving traffic to your storefront always the priority?

Well, not always. Here’s why pushing your share of voice with the “Grow brand impression share” goal can be a smart move:

Why “Grow Brand Impression Share” Makes Sense

Increase Brand Visibility

New brands or products need visibility to generate awareness. By showing your ads in top-of-search placements for specific keywords or within your brand category, you can significantly boost your top-of-funnel awareness. It’s like wearing a neon sign in a crowded marketplace—you’re bound to get noticed!

Outshine Competitors

When your ads appear more frequently than your competitors, it’s easier to increase your market share. More visibility means your competitors are pushed down the page, making you the star of the show.

Cost-Effective Impressions

CPMs (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) are generally cheaper when aiming for brand impression share rather than CPC (Cost Per Click). This goal allows your ads to show up more frequently, giving you more bang for your buck.

Boost Brand Recall

The more often people see your brand, the more likely they are to remember it. This increased brand recall means when shoppers are ready to buy, they’ll think of you first, leading to more branded searches and more efficient customer acquisition costs.

The Bigger Picture

Remember, the “Grow brand impression share” goal isn’t about achieving a low ACOS (Advertising Cost of Sale) or a high ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend). It’s a top-of-funnel strategy designed to increase awareness. So, keep an eye on your metrics and optimize accordingly!

In summary, while driving traffic to your storefront is important, focusing on growing your brand impression share can set the stage for long-term success. Think of it as the opening act before the main event—you’ve got to get the crowd warmed up. 

  • Amazon Marketing

  • Industry Insights

Brad Hunt

Brad Hunt

Bradford has created and implemented marketing strategies for small start up businesses to large corporate enterprises. He currently serves as a Director of Amazon and works with our Marketing Consultants to come up with fun and innovative strategies that are designed to drive more revenue for our clients. When he’s not at his computer, you can usually find him fly fishing in the local Utah rivers during the Spring/Summer months, hunting with his buddies in the Fall and snowboarding during the Winter.

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