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The ABCs of Social Media Marketing

The ABCs are some of the first things we learn in life. As we grow, we learn more complicated concepts, like social media marketing. In this article, we’re going to blend the two and look at 26 keys to social media marketing success: the ABCs of social media marketing: A) Advertisement Social media advertisements help […]

by Jenny Hatch April 25, 2017

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People: The Achilles’ Heel of Online Marketers

There’s something tragically ironic about most online marketers. Our job revolves around convincing people to do something, but we often have little to no actual relationship with the people we try so hard to persuade. Instead, most of us huddle behind computer screens trying to convince numbers to cooperate. If you want proof, just take a look at […]

by Aden Andrus April 22, 2017

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Google to Add Quality Score Columns to AdWords Interface?

For well over a decade, AdWords Quality Score has been a bit of a mystery. Google has published some content on Quality Score and you can see some information on your current Quality Score in the AdWords interface, but tracking and improving your AdWords Quality Score has always been a painful guessing game. Times may […]

by Aden Andrus April 19, 2017

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118 Email Marketing Facts Every Marketer Should Know [INFOGRAPHIC]

Want to make the most out of your online marketing? If you’re like most online marketers, only a small percentage of your conversions actually become paying customers. The rest drop off and disappear. But what if you could bring them back? What if you could stay on the radar of those one-time potential customers until […]

by Aden Andrus April 18, 2017

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How to Make the Most of Your Ad Scheduling

Think ad scheduling is a “set it and forget it” setting in your AdWords campaign? Think again. On average, more than half of the accounts I either audit or start managing don’t have a clue when they should run their ads. Most of the time, they run their ads at all hours of the day without purpose […]

by Brandt Whiting April 12, 2017

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How to Use Facebook Ads to Grow Your Addiction Recovery Center

If you’re running an addiction recovery center, one of your biggest challenges is getting new patients in the door. Your center saves lives, but if people haven’t heard about you or what you do, they won’t know where to go for help. Unfortunately, an addiction recovery center is a business, so you have to be smart […]

by Brad Witbeck April 10, 2017

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Becoming a Thought Leader: Is It Worth the Effort?

Business owners and marketers love to toss around the term “thought leader”. It’s an exciting term that evokes images of TED talks, Time Magazine photos and a never-ending supply of free business. While the actual term “thought leader” has drawn sharp criticism in recent years, the fundamental principle behind thought leadership is fundamentally sound: If […]

by Aden Andrus April 07, 2017

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How to Use Facebook’s Split Testing Options

If you’ve run a paid search PPC campaign before, you’re probably familiar with the idea of split testing ads. Split testing your ads is a great way to improve click-through rates on your ads and even increase the conversion rates of your landing pages. After all, even the best advertisers don’t bat a thousand. But, […]

by Aden Andrus April 05, 2017

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