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How to Spice Up Your Love Life With AdWords

Romance is a lot like marketing. You put yourself out there and hope your offering catches the interest of your target audience. This is true even after the initial courtship phase. If you stop wooing (also known as advertising in the business world), the romance dies. Even if brand loyalty keeps your significant other hanging around for a while, the […]

by Jacob Baadsgaard September 04, 2015

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How Much Content Does Your Landing Page Really Need?

Arguably the biggest difference between a company’s website versus their landing page is purpose. In the world of digital marketing and PPC advertising, it’s crucial to know when to use which in order to get the best quality leads driving your business. Since targeted landing pages tend to be best for online marketing, it’s important […]

by Andrew Maliwauki September 01, 2015

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5 Places You’re Forgetting to Put a Call to Action

The other day I was trying to help my brother set up the domain “otti.ng” (yes, I know you’re jealous that our last name is a complete URL) and as he was trying to link it to his blog, he came across this page with a big green button: As he clicked it he told […]

by Allison Otting August 27, 2015

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Which Type of Landing Page is Best For Your Business?

Landing pages are a vital part of online advertising, so it’s important to use the right type of landing page for the job. Figuring out which type of landing page is the right fit for your website, however, can be a bit challenging. There are a lot of different types of landing pages and each […]

by Sarah Rodriguez August 25, 2015

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Get More Conversions By Shortening Your Form

When I’m out shopping and standing at the checkout line, do you know what’s annoying? Well, aside from being stuck behind a hardcore coupon-clipper, it’s being asked to give my name or phone number for some rewards program, survey, or rebate. Why should I hand out my personal contact information just because I bought a bluetooth […]

by Casey Walrath August 19, 2015

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4 Ways to Get More Out of Your Hero Shot

Have you ever met someone and couldn’t stop looking at their face? Whether it was because they had the face of an angel or there was a bit of mustard above their mouth, the face is the first thing we look at and usually the first thing we remember about someone. In fact, we’re hardwired to see faces, even […]

by Allison Otting August 17, 2015

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4 Ways Your AdWords Campaigns are Killing Your Company

Over the last 2 years, we’ve audited more than 2,000 AdWords accounts at Disruptive. After that many audits, one fact has become painfully clear: AdWords is a great way to lose money. Don’t get me wrong, AdWords can do incredible things for your company. I’ve helped clients grow from 25 employees to 250 employees with AdWords. Done […]

by Jacob Baadsgaard August 14, 2015

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How to Write a Great Landing Page Headline

When it comes to designing landing pages, first impressions are everything. The use of imagery, color and interesting copy all help create a page that converts and draws viewers in from the second it loads on their screen. In this article I’ll be going over helpful tips for writing convincing and persuasive headlines as well […]

by Andrew Maliwauki August 13, 2015

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Why Your PPC Agency Should Be Doing Landing Pages

As I’ve written before, good landing pages are essential to a well-run pay per click marketing campaign. When it comes to highly targeted paid search traffic, your website homepage usually isn’t going to be as effective as effective as a single-purpose landing page. The reason is, your website is catering to all kinds of users: […]

by Allison Otting August 12, 2015

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