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5 Must-Haves for a High-Converting Mobile Landing Page

In early 2014, mobile web traffic surpassed PC internet usage for the first time in history. And since then, the number of mobile users has only increased. In light of this shift, Google has restructured their search results based on mobile optimized websites. Not surprisingly, this “mobilegeddon” has sent companies across the globe scrambling to update […]

by Andrew Maliwauki June 29, 2015

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4 Great Places to Find Design Inspiration

Good creative is vital to online marketing success. However, being a successful designer can sometimes feel more like a production line than an artistic genius. It’s not always easy to be constantly creativity and original. When design projects start to run together, it’s important to know where to look for inspiration. In my time at […]

by Manny Lopez June 26, 2015

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What Chickens Taught Me About A/B Testing

Early this Spring, some friends and I bought six little chicks. Cute, adorable little chicks. If you’ve ever raised chickens, you know that roosters are kind of like teenage boys: loud, obnoxious and harass the females. Roosters are illegal in my city, so my friends and I knew that we didn’t want a rooster. We […]

by Allison Otting June 25, 2015

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How to Use Price Point Testing to Get the Most Out of Your PPC Campaigns

If you’ve ever run a paid search campaign through Google AdWords, Bing Ads, or any other platform, you know there are dozens of levers you can pull that can affect campaign performance. Broadly speaking, the types of changes you can make fall into two broad categories: Increasing or decreasing raw traffic: Includes adjusting bids and […]

by Casey Walrath June 24, 2015

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How I Saved $50,000 a Month of Ad Spend in 15 Minutes

One of my favorite parts of PPC management is auditing potential client accounts. While Disruptive is big enough now that my team handles most of the audits these days, I still get a bit of the thrill of the hunt from auditing the occasional campaign myself. Over the years, I’ve personally audited hundreds of accounts. […]

by Jacob Baadsgaard June 23, 2015

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The Complete Guide to PPC Audits

PPC audits are all about opportunity. Yep, you heard me right. While the word “audit” typically merits comparisons to medieval torture, PPC audits are all about discovering unrealized opportunities. Let’s face it, no matter how good you are at PPC, there’s always something you could be doing better. PPC audits help you find that something. […]

by Jacob Baadsgaard June 18, 2015

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3 Tricks to Becoming a PPC Rockstar

I’ll admit it, when I first started at Disruptive Advertising, I had little-to-no idea how to improve a conversion rate for a client—let alone what the heck CPC even meant. I was hired as a graphic designer and—being fresh out of school—I was ready to design! However, I’ve since learned a ton about how to not only […]

by Andrew Maliwauki June 15, 2015

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6 Tips to Keep Your Design Team Productive

Want to learn more about your company? Watch what they do during their breaks. At Disruptive Advertising, there are a few different patterns of behavior. The account managers are competitive and play ping pong and wiffle ball to show each other who’s boss. The sales guys are pretty busy, but when they’ve got a second […]

by Allison Otting June 12, 2015

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Why Your Quality Score Matters More to Google Than It Does to You

What does your company need most? It’s an important question, one most companies should contemplate on a regular basis. There are a million possible answers to this question, ranging from increased sales to lower overhead to less drama at work. At Disruptive Advertising, this is one of the first things we try to determine for […]

by Aden Andrus June 11, 2015

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