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How to Hire a PPC Ninja: 9 Ways to Spot a PPC Expert

Looking for an expert PPC agency to manage your accounts? Picking one isn’t easy. There are dozens, if not hundreds of self-proclaimed “PPC experts” out there—how do you choose who to trust with your money? What you want is a PPC ninja, not just someone with bo staff skills. Here are 9 ways to tell if […]

by Aden Andrus June 04, 2015

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Why, How, What, In That Order: Using The Golden Circle To Improve Your Business & Yourself

I was recently re-introduced to this video, and it has changed my life. The Golden Circle of Common vs. Inspired Marketing and Leadership Simon Sinek, an extremely popular speaker and thought leader, has a special take on motivation and driving behaviors. In this TED talk, he talks about how inspired leaders and companies see tremendous […]

by Stirling Ruuth May 19, 2015

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PPC vs SEO: 5 Things To Consider

Over the years, one of the questions I’ve heard most often from marketers and business owners is “Would PPC or SEO be better for my business?” It’s a valid question. While both strategies can provide great ROI, picking the wrong tactic can burn thousands of dollars and set your marketing strategy back by months. Since […]

by Aden Andrus May 15, 2015

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How I Used a Lightbox Pop-Up To Increase Conversion Rates by 20%

If you aren’t testing—you aren’t trying. When it comes to online advertising, testing is a must and you can learn from the results no matter the outcome. A large part of our success here at Disruptive Advertising comes from our approach to split testing landing pages to increase conversion rates as part of a broader […]

by Adam Kaiser May 13, 2015

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Yesaholics Anonymous: On the Road to Recovery

Hi, my name is Jacob. I’m a yesaholic. As of today, though, it’s been 21 days since I last said “yes” to anyone… Okay, so that last part isn’t exactly true, but I am one of the millions of Americans who suffer from this condition. Let’s take a look at how yesaholism is defined: Now, […]

by Jacob Baadsgaard May 11, 2015

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AdWords Hack: Custom Columns

I don’t know about you, but finding the hidden tabs on my plastic wrap or aluminum foil dispensers has literally saved me minutes of frustration throughout my life. (Image Source) I’m prepared to bet that AdWord’s new custom columns will save you not just minutes, but hours of data mining for your key metrics as part […]

by John Thuet May 08, 2015

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How Many Keywords Should Your Account Be Targeting?

Paid Search advertising can be intimidating. If you’ve never done it before—or if you’ve tried it without success—platforms like Google and Bing don’t necessarily provide clear guidelines on some basic questions. Today we’re going to address one of those: how many keywords should your account be targeting? Before I answer the question let me say […]

by Jenny Hatch May 06, 2015

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Are You As Busy As You Think You Are?

Hi there! How’s your week going? I bet  I know the answer. It’s probably the same answer 90% of working professionals give, almost without thinking: “I’m good. Busy, though.” Well, I hope you really are good, but I want to talk about the other part. You’re busy. I believe it! I’m busy. Everybody’s busy. So […]

by Casey Walrath April 30, 2015

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The Ins N Outs of Google Ad Extensions

What if I told you that you could get a juicy Double-Double cheeseburger from In-N-Out Burger for the same price as a single cheeseburger? Sound like a good deal? Of course it does! In fact, if this happened all my hopes and dreams would be coming true. My motto at In-N-Out is you get a Double-Double, fries, and […]

by Brittany Loong April 27, 2015

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