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Ecommerce Marketing Tips: 9 Ways to Get More Sales

You want more sales. I get that. All ecommerce companies, with few exceptions, are actively looking to increase more sales. What if I told you that there were strategies that you could use to not only get more sales, but also to drive more sales with higher average order values and high-quality sales that are […]

by Ana Gotter December 19, 2019

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Get More Out of Your Customers: Increasing Customer Lifetime Value

In business, there’s a temptation to get fixated on driving new sales. You can’t guarantee how often or how long a new customer will buy from you, so it’s easy to fall into the trap of building your campaigns around first-time sales. There’s nothing technically wrong with that approach, but it does have some significant […]

by Aden Andrus December 18, 2019

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How to Run a Limited-Time Offer on Facebook Ads

Offers are a great way to entice users to purchase. If you’re sitting firmly on the fence about making a purchase, then freebies, discounts, and coupon codes can give you the shove you need to get off the fence and pull out that credit card. Facebook Offers are naturally a powerful tool that you can […]

by Ana Gotter December 17, 2019

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5 Easy Ways to Get More Upsales

Upsales are one of the easiest ways to increase your average order value and overall profitability. After all, who’s easier to sell to? Someone who is already about to buy? (and/or an existing customer). Or someone who’s still trying to decide whether or not they want to buy? The fact of the matter is, it’s […]

by Aden Andrus December 16, 2019

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How to Turn Your Company’s Prospects Into Customers with CRM Tech

For businesses that are trying to drive leads with online marketing, one of the biggest challenges is connecting all of the dots between your marketing campaigns, leads and actual sales. Fortunately, you don’t have to do it on your own. There are a variety of customer relationship management (CRM) tools out there that can help […]

by Hugo Morris December 12, 2019

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What to Look for in a CRO Agency

Let’s face it. Whether you’re trying to sell a product, service or something else online, getting people to convert on your website and landing pages can be tricky. I mean, it’s hard enough simply getting people to your website. You have to create content, build advertising campaigns, write copy, produce images and videos…the list goes […]

by Aden Andrus December 11, 2019

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How to Figure Out Your Customer Journey

What do your customers experience when they interact with your business? If you haven’t taken time to consider your customer journey, you may already be behind the competition. Customer experience planning is a huge part of running any business and mapping your customer’s desired journey is a great way to stay on track. Fortunately, if […]

by Ana Gotter December 10, 2019

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5 New Google Display Network Features to Try in 2020

With 2020 just around the corner, it’s time to start planning out your marketing strategy for next year. Paid search, email marketing, Facebook and Instagram Ads…you’ve probably got a lot on your mind, but this coming year, one additional thing you may want to consider is the Google Display Network. Now, I know, advertising on […]

by Aden Andrus December 09, 2019

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Do Email Blast Campaigns Actually Work?

Back in the early days of email marketing, email blast campaigns—indiscriminate marketing emails sent to anyone and everyone—were all the rage. Email blasts had a huge ROI and were a great way to get value out of your subscriber list. But do they still work? In the early days of any new marketing channel, almost […]

by Aden Andrus December 05, 2019

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