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How to Drive More Sales with Ecommerce Video Marketing

When it comes to product videos versus product images, a lot of ecommerce businesses choose to exclusively use images. Ecommerce video is typically more expensive and time consuming to create than images and often requires specialized equipment and more in-depth editing. However, despite these challenges, ecommerce video is still worth it—every time. Ecommerce video most […]

by Ana Gotter May 17, 2018

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How To Open an eBay Storefront

Ecommerce is one of the fastest-growing sectors of the economy, and experts predict that it will  keep expanding in the years to come. If you run an ecommerce business, you’re probably looking for ways to make the most of this moment. If you already sell on eBay, you may be considering setting up an eBay […]

by Aden Andrus May 16, 2018

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5 Ways to Optimize Your Fashion Ecommerce Website for More Sales

If you’re like most fashion ecommerce retailers, you’re probably getting a lot of traffic to your website…but not nearly as many sales as you’d like. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. The average conversion rate for fashion ecommerce websites is 2.2%, while the cart abandonment rate is 71.4%. A UK study revealed that 75% of fashion […]

by Radu Vrabie May 15, 2018

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The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Killer Ecommerce Website

So, you’ve decided to create (or recreate) your ecommerce website! It’s a lot of work, but whether you’re an established retailer or an aspiring digital entrepreneur, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’re going to walk you through the process of designing and building an ecommerce website. For the purposes of this […]

by Aden Andrus May 14, 2018

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Opening an Etsy Shop: How to Monetize Your Passion

“You’re so talented…you could sell this!” says great aunt Beatrice when you present her with a hand-made sweater for the Christmas party. It used to be just another compliment. After all, if you’re a micro-entrepreneur selling relatively inexpensive goods, you’d need truly macro-sales to make it worth your while! The internet offers you that opportunity. […]

by Aden Andrus May 14, 2018

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Amazon FBA: To FBA or not to FBA…

William Shakespeare, 1564 – 1616. “To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them.” Yep. It just got real…Hamlet is asking some of the BIG […]

by Cydney Hatch May 11, 2018

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5 Factors to Consider When Choosing Your Ecommerce Hosting Plan

There’s a lot that goes into creating an ecommerce website, and it’s something that businesses spend a lot of time and money investing in. You need to choose the domain name, develop the site design, optimize for keywords and search rankings, write the copy, and design the logos. There’s another crucial step that can be […]

by Ana Gotter May 10, 2018

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Selling with Shopify: How to Build a Profitable Shopify Store

Whether you’re just launching your first ecommerce business or you’ve been selling products online for years, you’ve probably heard of Shopify. Since it’s launch in 2004, Shopify has evolved from an online snowboarding gear store into the largest storefront-management platform in the world. Today, over 600,000 merchants have used Shopify to run their online stores, […]

by Aden Andrus May 08, 2018

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The 15 Best Free Magento Themes of 2018

Hiring a designer to create a custom, built-from-scratch website for you is all well and great, but a lot of businesses don’t have the time or budget to spend on a project like that right away. Fortunately, you don’t have to. If your ecommerce business operates on the Magento platform, you have ready access to thousands […]

by Ana Gotter May 08, 2018

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