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How to Advertise on Google: Taking Your First Steps with AdWords

Google Ads can be daunting, especially for first-timers or those who haven’t had much experience. Trust me, I’ve been there. You may be asking, “What is the point of bidding? There’s an auction for keywords? Why won’t a large bid guarantee an ad spot on Google?” But don’t worry! If you want to learn how […]

by Joshua Griffin January 23, 2018

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A Simple Guide to Keyword Match Types

When you’re using paid search ad platforms like Google AdWords or Bing Ads, keywords are king. Choosing which keywords you want to target, however, isn’t the only decision that you’ll need to make. You’ll also need to decide how exactly you want the algorithms to interpret the keywords you’ve chosen when they’re placing your ads […]

by Ana Gotter January 22, 2018

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Everything You Need to Know About Exact Match Keywords

For paid search advertisers, choosing the right keywords can be the difference between a profitable campaign and the advertising equivalent of flushing money down the toilet. However, it’s not enough just to pick the right keywords—you also need to pick the right match type. In this post, we’re going to take a close look at […]

by Jacob Baadsgaard January 19, 2018

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When to Use Phrase Match in Paid Search Advertising

Anyone who regularly does paid search advertising can tell you that while short-tail keywords can be great to help you reach your target audience, sometimes there’s nothing more effective than honing in on the exact right phrase. Paid search works best when you’re able to show your ads to the right customers at the right […]

by Jacob Baadsgaard January 19, 2018

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Broad Match Keywords: Everything You Need to Know

Paid search experts may disagree on the best strategies and exact techniques that they prefer to get the best results, but we all agree on one thing: choosing the right keywords is necessary if you want your campaigns to be successful. But when you enter in keywords on Google AdWords or Bing, how many do […]

by Jacob Baadsgaard January 19, 2018

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What is Website Optimization? A Practical Guide to Getting More Conversions from Your Website

Website optimization (aka, conversion rate optimization) is a scientific approach to improving the performance of your website. Ideally, any potential customer who visits your site will like what they see and do something (call you, submit a lead form, sign up for a newsletter, etc). These actions are called “conversions” and your “conversion rate” is […]

by Aden Andrus January 18, 2018

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Contextual Advertising: What it is and Why it Matters

Ever notice how many blogs and websites just happen to have display ads for related products? Sometimes, the site is running ads for a partner company, but most of the time, you’ve just been hit with contextual advertising. Contextual advertising is great targeting technique advertisers use when they want to ensure that their banner ads […]

by Ana Gotter January 15, 2018

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Selling on Etsy: Choosing a Strategy that Fits Your Needs

If you’re reading this, then chances are you’ve at least considered selling on Etsy or perhaps you’re already selling and are wondering what you can do to make your shop more effective. I wish I could say there’s one right answer for everybody, but successful Etsy selling strategies are as diverse as its nearly 2 […]

by Aden Andrus January 12, 2018

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Bing Advertising: How Much Do Bing Ads Cost?

When it comes to paid search advertising, the Bing search engine (including Bing Ads) is often viewed as Microsoft’s “me too” response to Google. But, just because Google receives 63% of online search traffic, that doesn’t make it the only search engine worth paying attention to. The other 37% of search traffic is going somewhere, […]

by Aden Andrus January 11, 2018

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