118 Email Marketing Facts Every Marketer Should Know [INFOGRAPHIC]

by Aden Andrus April 18, 2017

Want to make the most out of your online marketing?

If you’re like most online marketers, only a small percentage of your conversions actually become paying customers. The rest drop off and disappear.

But what if you could bring them back? What if you could stay on the radar of those one-time potential customers until they finally make a purchase? Best of all, what if you could do it without spending an arm and a leg?

Fortunately, with email marketing, you can do all that and much more.

Great Email Marketing Works

To show you how this works, let’s take a look at one of the best examples of email marketing I’ve ever seen.

To preface this, I’ll openly admit that I’m a nerd. My middle name is “Knight” and I think that affected me on some profound level, because I’ve always had a fascination with the medieval era. I love swords, armor, dragons, high fantasy.

So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that I’m on an email list for a website called Medieval Collectibles that sells…you guessed it…armor, weapons and other fantasy gear. Honestly, I don’t even remember giving them my email (I avoid giving out my email like the plague), but I open every single email they send me.

Now, let me emphasize that this is very unusual for me.

In my opinion, most email marketing ranges from irrelevant to outright irritating, so I’m one of those people who regularly unsubscribes from every possible email list. If your content doesn’t grab my interest, I’m gone.

But Medieval Collectibles is different.

Medieval Collectibles takes a very unique approach to email marketing. Instead of pushing their email recipients to buy, they send out a series of emails called “Unlikely Match-Ups.”

Great Email Marketing: Medieval Collectible's Unlikely Matchups | Disruptive Advertising

As you can see, this email is fairly simple and only tangentially focused on sales. But I find myself looking forward to the next “Unlikely Match-Up” because every email creates an engaging, amusing connection between two separate characters that I know and love.

The characters always share something in common and I love seeing the absurd connections that the marketers over at Medieval Collectibles come up with (my favorite was when they pitted Yoda against the Hulk because…they’re both green).

The end result? I’ve visited dozens of websites that sell this sort of product, but Medieval Collectibles is the name that comes to mind first. It’s the site I check out first when I need a new costume piece. It’s the one I most want to buy from because I want to support the company that sends me those fun Unlikely Match-Ups.

In fact, it even landed them a link from our blog (maybe I can convince them to send me a coupon for writing this post…), which is something they never would have obtained without this email series (incidentally, if you’d like to start receiving Medieval Collectibles emails, click here to sign up).

So, does great email marketing deliver great results? Absolutely!

However, if you want to get great results from your online marketing, you can’t be content with simply writing conventional emails. You have to understand how to create truly engaging content and—more importantly—you have to understand your target audience.

118 Email Facts You Need to Know

For decades, email marketing has been one of the most powerful ways to sell your product or service. Of course, as email marketing has aged, more attention has been focused on newer, trendier types of digital marketing, but email marketing remains a tried and true way to convince people to buy from your business.

To help you make the most of your email marketing, our friends over at EveryCloud have put together a truly massive list of email marketing facts you can use to improve the performance of your own marketing campaigns.

Check it out!
118 Email Marketing Statistics | EveryCloud

As you might imagine, capitalizing on all of these statistics will take some doing, so it’s probably best to focus on the 5-10 that seem the most immediately applicable. Nail those and then come back and look for some more insights!


Email marketing remains one of the best ways to drive online sales for your business. If you’ve got the emails, you need to use them!

To really create effective email campaigns, though, you need to create stellar value for your recipients. That means you need to understand your audience and how to best engage them with your emails.

By the way, if you’d like any help creating an effective email marketing campaign, let me know here or in the comments. I’d love to help!

What do you think of Medieval Collectibles’ email marketing strategy? What are some of your favorite email marketing approaches? What do you think of these tactics?

  • Email

  • Marketing

Aden Andrus

Aden Andrus

Over his career, Aden has developed and marketed millions of dollars of successful products. He lays awake at nights figuring out new marketing tactics and is constantly upping Disruptive's internal marketing game. He loves to write, dance and destroy computer monitors in full medieval armor.

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