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5 Growth Hacks That All Businesses Can Benefit From

Whether you own a small family run restaurant or manage a large chain of grocery stores, running a business is tough work. There is no one size fits all when it comes to growing a business, but there are a few growth hacks that can work for almost any business of any size in any […]

by Aden Andrus October 11, 2018

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Be in the Know: 2018 Holiday Marketing Statistics You Should Know

Are you ready for the holiday season? Yes, I know fall has barely just begun, but it’s never too early for retailers and e-tailers to start thinking about holiday marketing and sales. It’s a good time to be in retail, especially with shopping extravaganzas like Black Friday and Cyber Monday just around the corner. At […]

by Cydney Hatch October 10, 2018

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Email Marketing 101: Everything You Need To Get Started

When businesses are planning out their marketing, they want to ensure that they’re finding a marketing mix that allows them to get the most results for every penny they spend. There are a lot of different marketing platforms out there—and they all have their pros and cons—but email marketing should be at the top of […]

by Ana Gotter October 10, 2018

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IGTV Video: What You Need To Know

Instagram, it can be intimidating, right? It is even that much more intimidating when new features come out and you are completely clueless on how to use it for your business. Just when you feel like you got comfortable using the platform, there are new features that you quickly have to master if you want […]

by Cydney Hatch October 09, 2018

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Emarketing vs. Digital Marketing vs. Internet Marketing: What’s the Difference?

Digital marketing. Internet marketing. Online marketing. Emarketing (not to be confused with email marketing). These are all broad terms that are sometimes used relatively interchangeably. So why have them all if they mean the same thing? As it turns out, there are subtle nuances in some of the phrases. Online marketing and internet marketing are […]

by Ana Gotter October 08, 2018

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Content Batching: Tips for Slaying Content Like a Boss

Do you ever feel like you never have enough time and you are lighting your hair afire to keep things running for your business? I mean, running a business is hard work but when you add content to the mix, it’s a whole new beast. (Insert hopeless cries) How on earth do you have time to […]

by Cydney Hatch October 05, 2018

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Positioning in Marketing: Carving Out Your Business Niche

No matter what sector you’re in, it’s a safe bet that you’re facing stiff competition these days. The reality of today’s competitive online marketplace means that most businesses now compete with one another on a global scale. That means that to succeed, you need to differentiate yourself from every other company in your sector.  Does […]

by Cydney Hatch October 03, 2018

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Target Position Zero: Making the Most of Featured Snippets

In the past, the aim of SEO (with or without PPC) was always to reach the top position in the SERPs. In recent years, this has changed: now businesses want to reach position zero. But what exactly is position zero and why does it matter? What is Position Zero? Position zero is that snippet of […]

by Kelly Shelton October 02, 2018

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The 5 PPC Mistakes You’re Probably Making

After working in pay-per-click (PPC) marketing for years and running my own PPC agency, I’m still amazed by how poorly most PPC accounts are run. For most companies, PPC doesn’t pan out the way they think it should because they are making a few basic PPC mistakes. The sad thing is, these mistakes are preventable and […]

by Jacob Baadsgaard October 02, 2018

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